%doctype; %let;l_v0;%evar.v;%in; %let;l_v;%if;(bvar.max_anc_level = "")%l_v0;%elseif;(bvar.max_anc_level > l_v0)%l_v0;%else;%bvar.max_anc_level;%end;%in; %nn; %first_name; %surname; %if;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "csv") - CSV - %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.fam7 = "on") - 7 [*family/families]1 - %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "sb") - [*surnames branch] - %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "surn") - [*list eclair]0 - [surname/surnames]1 / [places] %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "place") - [*list eclair]0 - [places] %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "aad") - [*age at death] ([M/F]0, [M/F]1) %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "afm") - [*age] ([father/mother]0, [father/mother]1) %else; - [*ancestors] - %end; %include;css %include;hed %( %) %let;birth_symbol;%if;(bvar.birth_symbol != "")%bvar.birth_symbol;%else;°%end;%in; %let;death_symbol;%if;(bvar.death_symbol != "")%bvar.death_symbol;%else;†%end;%in; %let;l_max_dates;%if;(bvar.max_dates != "")%bvar.max_dates;%else;200%end;%in; %define;tothegen(xx) [*to the %s generation:::xx]%nn; %end; %define;togen1(xx) %if;(xx = 1)[*specify::generation/generations]0%nn; %elseif;(xx = 2)[*to the parents]%nn; %elseif;(xx = 3)[*to the grandparents]%nn; %elseif;(xx = 4)[*to the great-grandparents]%nn; %else; %apply;tothegen%with; %apply;nth([nth (generation)], xx) %end; %end; %end; %define;togen()

%if;(evar.only != "on") %apply;togen1(l_v) %else; [*generation/generations]0 %l_v; %end;

%end; %define;ancestors_by_list(xx, nnn) %if;(xx.has_parents and nnn > 1) %end; %end; %( %) %message_to_wizard;

%nn; %if;(evar.tf1 != "csv") %apply;a_of_b%with; %if;(evar.fam7 = "on")7 [family/families]1%else;[*ancestors]%end; %and; %if;(not cancel_links)%end; %if;(public_name != "")%public_name;%else;%first_name;%end; %if;(qualifier != "") %qualifier;%end; %sp;%surname; %if;(alias != "") (%alias;)%end; %if;(not cancel_links)%end; %end; %sp;%dates; %end; %if;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "csv") %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "place") - [*list eclair]0 - [places] %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "surn") - [*list eclair]0 - [surname/surnames]1 / [places] %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "sb") - [*surnames branch] - %else; %end;

%if;(evar.t = "F" and evar.fam7 = "on" and (evar.tf1 = "fam71" or evar.tf1 = "fam72")) %include;anclist_fam7_img %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.fam7 = "on" and evar.tf1 = "fam70") %include;anclist_fam7_table %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.fam7 = "on" and evar.tf1 = "fam73") %include;anclist_fam7_timeline %elseif;(wizard and evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "csv") %include;anclist_csv %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "place") %include;anclist_place %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "surn") %include;anclist_surn %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "tag") %include;ancdes_tag %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "bmdm") %include;ancdes_bmdm %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "mm") %include;ancdes_mm %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "aad") %include;ancdes_aad %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "aax") %include;ancdes_aax %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "nxd") %include;ancdes_nxd %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "afm") %include;ancdes_afm %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "cal") %include;ancdes_cal %elseif;(evar.t ="F" and evar.tf1 = "ars") %include;ancdes_ars %elseif;(evar.t = "F" and evar.tf1 = "sb") %include;anclist_sb %elseif;(evar.t = "F") %( list tf1 = ? %) %let;l_url;%prefix;m=A;t=F;i=%index;;v=%l_v;;only=%evar.only;;maxv=%evar.maxv;%in; %elseif;(evar.t = "L") %( by list %) %apply;togen() %apply;ancestors_by_list("self",l_v) %elseif;(evar.t = "H") %include;anclist_hrztl %end; %if;(evar.tf1 != "csv" and evar.tf1 != "tag") %if;not cancel_links; %include;tools %apply;tools_anclist() %include;trl %include;copyr %end; %end;