%include;css %include;hed %message_to_wizard;
%define;arrows() %if;not cancel_links;
%if;(referer != "") %end;
%end; %end; %define;search_form(main)
%if;(referer != "") %end;

%hidden; %if;("main" != "true") %end;

%end; %if;(evar.m = "FORUM_ADD") %( add a message %) %if;can_post;

%nn; [*add::message/previous message/previous messages/next message]0%nn;



[*ident/email/subject]1 ([optional])
[*ident/email/subject]2 ([optional])

[*message/previous message/previous messages/next message]0

%let;name;Text%in; %include;accent

([this forum is moderated]) %end;


%nn; [*incorrect request]

%end; %elseif;(evar.m = "FORUM_ADD_OK") %( visualize a message before post %) %if;can_post;

%nn; [*add::message/previous message/previous messages/next message]0%nn;

%apply;arrows() %if;(message.ident != "" and message.text != "") %message.ident; %if;(message.email != "")%nn; %message.email;%end;
%if;(message.subject != "") [*ident/email/subject]2: %message.subject;
%end; %if;(message.access = "priv") [*access]: [private]
%end; %message.time;


[*ident/email/subject]1 ([optional])
[*ident/email/subject]2 ([optional])

[*message/previous message/previous messages/next message]0

%let;name;Text%in; %include;accent

%if;(message.ident != "" and message.text != "") %if;(wizard or friend) %else; %end; %end; %if;is_moderated_forum;
([this forum is moderated]) %end;


%nn; [*incorrect request]

%end; %elseif;(pos != "") %( display a message %)

[*database forum]

%if;(evar.m = "FORUM_SEARCH") %apply;search_form("false") %else; %apply;arrows() %end; %let;col;%if;message.is_waiting; style="color:red"%end;%in; %if;message.is_waiting;



%else; [*your message is waiting for validation]%nn; %end;

%end; %if;(evar.m != "FORUM_VIEW")
([view source])
%end; %message.ident; %if;(message.email != "")%nn; %message.email; %end; %if;supervisor; -%sp; %if;(message.wizard != "") [wizard/wizards/friend/friends/exterior]0:%sp; %sq; %message.wizard;%sp; %end; %if;(message.friend != "") [wizard/wizards/friend/friends/exterior]2: %message.friend;%sp; %end; ... %message.from; %end;
%if;(message.subject != "") [*ident/email/subject]2: %message.subject;
%end; %if;(message.access = "priv") [*access]: [private]
%end; %message.time;

%if;(evar.m = "FORUM_VIEW") %elseif;(message.wiki = "on")%message.text.wiki; %else;%message.text.nowiki;%end;
%if;(message.wizard != "" and wizard and user.ident = message.wizard or manitou or supervisor)


%end; %else; %( display message headers %)

[*database forum]

%apply;search_form("true") %if;can_post;


%end; %let;len;%if;(evar.len != "")%evar.len;%else;100%end;%in; %let;to;%if;(evar.to != "")%evar.to;%else;-1%end;%in; %foreach;message(to, len) %let;col;%if;message.is_waiting; style="color:red"%end;%in; %if;(message.date != message.prev_date) %if;(message.prev_date != "" and message.date.month != message.prev_date.month) %end; %end; %end; %if;(pos != "") %end;
 %if;(message.access = "priv")*%else; %end;   %message.hour; %message.ident.cut.26; %nn; %if;(message.subject = "" or message.subject = "-") ... %message.text.cut.80;%nn; %else; %message.subject.cut.80;%nn; %end;
%nn; [message/previous message/previous messages/next message]2
%end; %include;trl %include;copyr